Friday, July 25, 2014 last

Finally, I'm getting around to writing this post on the Utah trip.

I'm doing something a little different for this's almost completely in video format. I'm going to go through each photo from each day and explain as much as I can about the set up's, shooting, editing, and theory behind them. If anyone has any question, leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer!

Update: Photo album here:

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

Day 6:

2nd half

Day 7:

2nd half

Day 8:

Day 9:


I added an adjustment over the stars that made then more blue, upped the exposure, highlights, clarity, and saturation.

Day 10:

Day 11:

Day 12:

Day 13:

Now for the rest of the photos! Enjoy!

See you tomorrow!


  1. You pic is awesome! I'm curious, what did you do in post to it?

  2. upped exposure by 1.4, increased contrast, highlights&whites, clarity and vibrance. What made a big difference for me was playing with noise reduction. It made the sky much smoother (obviously). The pic is a composite of 3: the sky, the arch illuminated by Victor from the side and the internal part of the arch illuminated by the people underneath it.

    BTW: I enjoy reading your blog and your great pictures. My favorite of your Utah trip is the b/w version of delicate arch with the star trails, the texture in the arch came out really great. Oh, and also the ones from horseshoe bend. we stopped there for sunset and for sunrise and both times there wasn't a cloud in the whole sky.

    It's a pity we didn't setup a bit lower in the delicate arch pics, we could have had the milky way seen through the arch instead of having mostly black in the hole. It will be for next time...
