Tuesday, July 29, 2014


So we had our internet fixed today! Which means it’s down now. Thank you ISP…

The photo won’t get posted until tomorrow, errr today then. But that’s okay. There’s two photos anyway to make up for it J

Tonight I went out to South Beach with Marissa and took some sweet 360 photos. The plan was to do a layer of the ground when it was dusk, then do the horizon a bit later, then get the stars when they came out. But of courrrrse I forgot to change the ISO settings, so everything is super under exposed and I’m not going to try to recover it. Because I already have a photos or two that is better J

The first one is a panoramic I shot right when we got there. It was on a 10mm lens at f2.8, 30s, and ISO800. You can just start to see the stars coming out, but mostly the horizon is over blown.

For editing, I did local adjustments to raise the clarity in the sky for all the photos, and then to raised the shadows in the ground for all of them too. Then overall, I raised the highlights, shadows a bit, and maybe clarity. Not too much though.

Once I had a panoramic from PTGui, I changed my mind in Lr and converted it to b/w. It looked wonderful that way. I raised the shadows a bit, and then messed with the tone curve. I added blue to the shadows, green to the midtones, and red to the highlights. Why? Because I felt like it. Good enough reason, right?

As far as shutter speed goes for shooting rocks and water, 1s-1/8 will give you just blurred water depending on how fast the water is moving. Longer speeds with make a mist like effect, with the longer the exposure, the more mist the water becomes.

The second photo was a complete whim, but I love it! As we were walking back, I saw the cool rock with the Milky Way coming out of it. So I slapped the camera on the tripod, upped the ISO to 2000, and took one. Just one. Back in Lr, I raise the highlights, saturation, clarity, and vibrance. It just turned out amazing, and it was just a test photo thing that wasn’t even serious! Moral of the story, take every photo you see, because you never know what will turn out.

See you tomorrow!

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