Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I thought that since I just watched Art of Flight, it would be appropriate to do this photo tonight.

The night before last, when I shot with Michelle and Marissa, I found a dragon fly wing in the forest. Almost perfectly intact too. Since we were already shooting something, I stuck it in my wallet and planned to eventually do something cool with it.

So tonight I pulled it out (some how it survived in there) and started brain storming how I was going to do a picture. The first challenge would be to hold the wing steady for shooting, and I didn't want to put it on something. My dad has some little clamps he used for soldering, so I grabbed that thing and clamped the wing in it.

Now I needed a background...why not a computer monitor? Whatever it is, it's going to be very out of focus, so it doesn't really matter what it looks like. But having a monitor for a background would also supply a lot of light for me, so it's a win win!

I stuck my macro lens (50mm with filter) and just started shooting. I used the meter in my camera to find my exposure, then cycled thru different f-stops until I got a depth of field that I liked. Which happened to be f2.2. Not too soft, but it does give a nice brushed feel to it. Other settings were ISO100 and 1/60.

For editing, I raised the whites a lot and lowered the highlights. This gave more white, but didn't blow out the highlights as much. I also raised the shadows. Finally, some vignette was added.

That's it!

See you tomorrow!

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