Friday, June 27, 2014

Very Night, Much noise

I went out to shoot a 360 stereographic image tonight. AKA a little planet one. In the past I've always done it on my iPhone, but tonight I used my actual camera! There's so much more control than with a iPhone, so I could shoot at night and use all my toys. Like flashes! and Victor biking at night!

To start with, I set up a shot of Victor doing a 180 bar (I think). We set up two strobes behind him to freeze him, then did a couple test shots. The camera was on a 30 sec exposure for the background. If I had more time, I would have a more complicated light set up, but for my purpose of just getting a stereographic image made tonight it worked. Tomorrow might be different....

After we got the shot of Victor, I just started rotating my camera and taking a 360 panorama. It's really important that the tripod be level. Common sense but just make sure. I did two levels of images, and I wanted to do one more but my tripod handle wouldn't let me and it started to rain.

Now for the fun part of using PTGui, a program I bought tonight for stitching panoramics. It's a pretty simple application once you know your way around, but tutorials are always helpful. I'll just let that video do the talking for how I processed my image because I just went along with the video...

As for editing, I did the white balance off of the lit part of Victor's helmet.
New code here for settings. Highlights = h whites = w shadows = s blacks = b.

H-9 w+70 s=26 b-9 vibrance at -72. Then I added blue to the shadows and yellow to the highlights to give the image more color. That's about all I did. It's not the best photo ever like I said... But I like the composition. Victor jumping off the planet..

See you tomorrow!

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