Monday, April 21, 2014

No Edit

Tonight is something very different than usual. A completely unedited, untouched, photo. The only thing I did in Lr was export it. I must be going crazy, I know. Me, not editing a photo? What....

For one I really like the photo as it is. I've been in a weird mood today, and I think the raw nature of the photo sort of captures that. I still have my head phones in from my run an hour ago, and didn't care to change my shirt either.

This last week of school is going to be a rough one I sure, and so I nuked the whole image red to express that. But then I also wanted to show I wasn't completely engulfed in the tide, and so I let a little beam of white light fall on my face and I looked right at the camera.

At least that's the theory. I could have also just been scheming up a cool light design, but I like the deeper, self reflective explanation.

So I guess all I can talk about is how I lit this because I didn't do anything else.

Background was a white mat board. I had a flash on 1/16 power  camera left with a deep red gel on it. On camera right was a snooted flash at 1/32 power. The gelled flash needed more power to cut through the gel. I was shooting at f7.1, ISO100, 1/200 and on my 50mm lens. I think this give the picture a very non distorted look so that you can focus on the subject and light rather than the technicalities of the optics.

Well, that's about it..I guess see you tomorrow?

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