Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hand Attack 2

I've been thinking about that hand picture I did a few weeks ago, and so tonight I tried a different approach to it. The last picture had a bunch of hands, but tonight I just used one. I wanted to go for a more simplistic approach.

I used an 18mm lens and only strobe this time too. The strobe was gridded to make that cool light beam effect on myself and the back ground. It's also against the wall as well, which makes the shadows were deep and long. I looked away from the light and so my face is almost completely hidden.

Camera settings: f3.5, ISO100, 1/200 and strobe at 1/64 power with a 1/8 grid.

This was a two picture composite, one of me and one of the hand. The one of me was easy to get, just set the self timer and wait for the shutter. I tried it a couple times to get the right one. The hand I had to work a bit more because of the shadow. I actually ended up getting too much shadow and reshaping it in Ps.

Speaking of Ps, I blended the layers with layer masks. Super simple. To reshape the shadow, I just simple painted black on the layer mask of the hand until I got the shape I wanted. The backgrounds were the same, so I could shape the shadow any way I wanted and still make it look believable.

In Lr, I raised the contrast and highlights a lot to make that glow effect. I tinted it a little blue, but it was already pretty blue so I didn't change much in that way. Finally, I added some split toning to make the shadows richer and the highlights a bit more white.

Don't know if I like the one more than the last one...almost too simple. haha

See you tomorrow!

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