Wednesday, April 2, 2014


My sister sent me brownies this week. And not just any brownies, brownies made from beansssss. Don't really know what else, just that they were amazing and I ate them all far too fast.

Well, almost all of them. Since they got lost in the mail for a while, they got a little old. I was saving the last one for tomorrow....but it got moldy :( I know. Terrible. So sad. I was and still am, heartbroken.

In memory of all that goodness that were bean brownies, I decided to take an awesome photo of it. I also had a bunch of old spinach (ran out of veggie burgers), and so what better to put with the healthy, brownies (beans are healthy) than spinach!

The first photo looked like this.

I used a soft box just above the whole foodness, and so it has pretty flat, boring light. 

I needed drama to capture the excitement and glory that these brownies were!

Bring in the grid.

Here's my set up for the final image. 

Grid over head at 1/32 power and the soft box off to the right at 1/16 power, I think. You get the idea of the lighting set up though. Key light from above and then a rim/side light from the side. Drama lighting right there with all the texture of the spinach piled up.

An the final image. As usual, Blogger has butchered the image and so it looks quite horrible. :( Fb for the real one. 

Anywho, how did I edit this. 

I started in Ps, applying high pass filters to two copies of the images, putting them to overlay. These two layers applied sharpening and also some hard light effects. I brought it back into Lr and raised the exposer just a hair as well as clarity. I then went into lens correction and got rid of the pesky chromatic aberrations. This wasn't quite enough though, so I then went and made the blues green and the aquas to more green. This made the blue highlights whiter and not ugly. 

Well that's about it. My tribute to the dead bean brownies. 

Btw, Emma. MAKE ME MORE. :D please....

See you tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. That is such an odd coupling. Spinach and brownies. What next Sam? ;)
