Friday, September 26, 2014

Creeper Hand

I spent most of the evening  in the VCB developing film, writing essays, and then scanning negatives. So when I finally got home an hour ago, I definitely didn't forget that I hadn't done a photo for today. But I remembered just before I got into bed, so never fear! There is a photo.

Don't ask me the thought process behind thinking of this photo, but I came up with the idea of dreams  and not being able to open a closed door. Super random. To visualize this, I planned to use a shadow of my hand reaching toward the doorknob.

That sort of happened.

First, I got an exposure down for cutting out all ambient light. 1/250, f7.1, and ISO100. I probably could have gotten away with just using 1/200 and f3.5, but I wanted a sharper photo. With that f stop, I had to use 1/32 on the strobe with a grid to focus the light a little bit. If I didn't have a grid, then everything would be evenly lit, and looks boringgggg.

It took a while to get the right hand shadow thing. I eventually put the light on a stand to steady it up, but I went through a lot of photos before I got a good one.

For composition, I just threw everything out of the window. Knob right in the middle on the very far left. Not where it's suppose to, but I like it so what can you do? Sometimes just break the rules!

Editing was simple really, I lowered the clarity a lot to keep everything smooth, as well as raising the noise reduction up to get it even softer. I then lowered the highlights and raised the whites a bit to knock down the big bright spots in the upper left of the image.

See you tomorrow!

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