Monday, February 24, 2014

Couldn't decide photo

Back to light painting tonight! I though't I'd combine some light painting with me jumping and see how it turned out. This was really a fooling around photo and I had no idea if it would work or not.

To start out, I set a shutter speed of 4 seconds and started painting with different colored lights. I just put my flash gels over my Maglite to get colored light. I think I painted with five different colors before I called it good and started to try to get the jump.

To light the jump, I had my two 560s cross lighting me. They were set to mid range power as I was using an aperture of f3.5. Since I had a long exposer already set up, I trigged the 560s using my back up set of triggers. Since I only have one receiver, I put one of my 560s on S1, which means it will fire when it "sees" another strobe fire.

Timing action isn't terribly difficult when you can see it happening. You do have to trigger the shutter a tiny bit before you think you do, and even then it's somewhat hit or miss. When you're trigger the shutter and doing the action it gets much harder. Trying to think about the right pose and when to hit the little button is somewhat of a challenge. I ended up taking about 15 pictures before I got one I like.

Bringing all the photos into Ps, I created masks around the parts of the light painting I liked, then set those layers to screen. I masked out myself from the jumping picture and set it to overlay. This blended everything together and made it look semi realistic.

Back in Lr, I did a couple of different edits on the image, and I couldn't decided which one I liked!

The first two are more "realistic," while the last two are much more surrealistic. As I'm not sure what my original vision was, I have no idea which one I like the most.

I'm not going to go over the setting for each one, but they were mainly achieved by messing with the contrast, saturation, and tone curve. A bit of split toning was used too.

That's all for tonight, see you tomorrow!

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