Saturday, December 20, 2014

It was a dark and stormy night

It was a very stormy day today, very very windy and rainy. Not that cold luckily, but still very wet and miserable. It's wasn't possible to stay dry if you went outside.

Victor and I were busy most of the day, but he came over late in the afternoon, and we decided it would be a good idea to go down to the beach. With the weather, the waves would be pretty good, as well as the drift wood. The tide was very high, so the logs were getting bashed left and right up on the beach.

As soon as I opened the door of the car, the interior was inundated with wind and rain. No way was the camera going outside without some kind of protection. Luckily, I had some gallon plastic bags in my bag for just such an occasion. Normally, I would cut a hole for the lens, but in this case I didn't want to. With just rain, it wouldn't be that bad. But with salt spray coming off the water, no way was I  letting that get all over my lens. So I simply just put the bag over the whole camera. :)

However, as you'd expect, the bag made the image quite soft. No sharpness to be seen. However, it made an interesting effect, sort of a super blur that made everything soft and creamy. I also love the water drops that were on the bag.

For exposure, I wanted to shoot at f/8 in an attempt to at least have the lens focus correctly. At f/3.5 the depth of field isn't that big, so the image would get really blurry. With f/8 though, I had to shoot at 30s and ISO640. It was really late in the evening, and it was getting very dark.

The first shots I did were from a little farther back, getting more of the log field as well as the water and rocks. These were pretty good, but when I got closer to the water, I knew the picture I wanted was not from far back. The camera came down closer to the water, and the resulting picture was much better. I do with I had moved a little farther left though, to get dinner island father away from the rocks. It's a bit of a squished photo right now.

With editing, I did brighten things up by about a stop and also increased the contrast. It was a very flat scene, and still is in the edited photo, but I thought I might add a little to it. Didn't increase the clarity or anything, I like it soft.

See you tomorrow!

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