Saturday, November 29, 2014

Passive agressive quad

It's not very loud, but it tries to kill you constantly. Deb's quad is highly entertaining.

Victor and I went over to the farm today, where Deb's freshly acquired racing quad is stored. It's a Honda 450, so it's quite large. Apparently, Deb used to race quads back in the day. Figures though, since she also raced NASCAR...

Shooting a quad is much different than a lot of what I've been doing recently. It's very fast moving, so focus and scale were going to be the major problems I faced. To give you an idea, it tops out 1st at 20 or 30, and Victor was getting into 3rd... but the most fun we were having was drifting it around in 1st.

As with the title, the quad got all passive aggressive on Victor when he was drifting it. There he was, just quietly going sideways, when quad decided to try to fly. First the front wheels came off the ground, then the back left wheel...all while still drifting. Yea one wheel drift.

I was shooting at 1/60 and f/11. It was full sunlight, so I needed to stop down quite a bit to get that fast of a shutter speed. Normally, you need at least 1/400 to stop motion for fast moving things like quads. But you can also stop motion by moving the camera relative to the subject, to slow it down. This makes the background move faster than the subject, and so it becomes what it blurred. The subject is sharp because it's not moving fast relative to the camera, but the background goes all wonky. This can have awesome effects in photos. It's really hard to get the speed matched right, so most of the time everything is blurry, but when you get it right, it's awesome.

For editing this, I knew I wanted it in b/w since the colors weren't that great today. It's winter on the island, so grey everywhereeeee....

Mostly, I just upped the contrast after that. Made the whites whiter, blacks blacker, that sort of thing. Give a little more definition to the softness of the photo. I also adjusted the tone curve a bit to give more detail through out the image. 

After that, all was done! 

See you tomorrow!

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