After a bit of research, I settled on the 5.10 Impact Highs. They are the iconic mountain bike shoe. Known for being one of the most durable and weather proof shoes on the market, I thought they would be perfect.
They arrived today, and after one ride I confirmed I got the right shoe. Only after an hour of riding did my feet start to feel remotely cold, and that wasn't even with wool socks or toe warmers! Never before have I had a shoe this's quite odd.
Anyway, as you'd expect, I took a product picture of them tonight. However, I wanted to do something different than what I've done in the past. White backgrounds are nice, but it's time for change. I spotted a spare screen door in our living room (yeah, I'm puzzled too), and an idea was born.
I created this set up. It's under lighting the shoes with a spotlight effect, and also from above from two different light sources. There is a gridded strobe that makes a spot of light on the shoes, but makes hard shadows. The soft box fills in those shadows, but does't illuminate the background or mess up the spot light effect.
The grid and the under light strobe were both at 1/8 power and I was shooting at f/8. I wanted a sharp photo with a reasonable depth of field, so I used f/8. The soft box as at minimum power, it's job was just to fill in some shadows, but not really light anything.
I love how the it turned out. The grid and the soft box really combine well into beautiful light, and the under light creates a glow around the shoes. Now I just want to add a logo in somewhere, but I didn't leave enough room in the frame!
For editing, I started by brightening things up. I shot 1 stop under exposed :( boo. Should have been at ISO200, or just looked at the histogram more. I checked it, but then probably changed some settings and forgot to check again. :/ Oh well.
For other edits, there's weren't any. Pretty much right out of the camera. Ta da.
See you tomorrow!
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