Saturday, September 20, 2014

Film black

As I was sitting (well, watching Top Gear and eating raisins), and thinking about what photo I was going to do tonight, I decided I wanted tea. So I walked out to the kitchen, and got some tea.

It was delicious.

I also saw a stair case that was really cool. And I had an idea.

So, stay with me....a shadows hand chasing someone up the staircase. B/w probably, with a grungy feel. 

First things first, got to set up the tripod. I wanted a low angle with a wide lens to make the staircase feel large a menacing. This also worked out well because the wall would be in a perfect spot to put a shadow on. 

For the shadows, I put a grid on my strove, stuck it on a light stand, and then just fired away with my hand in various positions in front of the flash. Looking at the picture, I think I could have had my hand coming from lower down, and everything turned a bit more so that you can see it's actually a hand...but oh well, I still like the results. 

oh and I shot at 1/25 f3.5 and ISO100 to get some ambient light in there. I wanted sort of a glow going on from the bottom of the stair way. Not enough to eliminate much, but add and little something. 

Next, I needed me in the photo at the top of the stairs. I played around with lighting for a bit, different angles and what not, but I found my very first try worked the best. I simply took the light  from the bottom of the stair and brought it up to the landing and pointed at me. It actually lit up the wall, but with black pants I made a nice silhouette. Perfect.

Now with these two shots, I needed to combine then in Ps. Simple layer masks did the trick, just used a big soft brush to paint me in, then used a smaller brush to clean up around the stairs so that I wasn't fading into the other picture. 

Back in Lr, I upped the clarity just a hair, and then shot the highlights way up there. Lots of contrast in this one. Then I even added some grain to it....I know...insane right? Looks almost light a really crappy print from PHOT135 I would have made last year! Terrific! 

See you tomorrow!

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