Sunday, September 14, 2014

Discovery Bike Park

After a late night trying to see the aurora, I headed over to Discovery Bike Park to ride today. The park is about two hours from Bozeman, and only $28 for a day pass! Not bad at all, not bad at all. The trails are actually amazing, nothing huge, but super fun once you get warmed up. It was incredibly dry today, and so it was just drift and dusty everywhere.

And of course, I was riding with two cameras in my backpack. Sadly, my Nikon EM's battery died and so the shutter didn't really work on that....but my 7D was all charged up and ready to go!

I only brought my 50mm on the 7D up the lift, so that was kind of a limiter in that way, but no matter! Just makes you be more creative.

After shooting a few corners and jumps, Drew and I met up with the other guys we were riding with, and headed down the mountain. At one point we stopped on top of this hill so that one of the guys could point out a feature coming up. It was a step up to a giant hill side, nothing too big but it did launch you pretty high up. I had just enough time to rip, and I mean snatch, grab, quickly extract in a rapid fashion, my camera from the bag to catch Drew hitting it. From where I was I did have many angle to choose from, and no time anyway. I managed to catch him though, since I still had the same settings up from the last picture.

I was on drive mode at 1/1250 at f2.8 at ISO100. This was exposed for half way between the shadows and the "proper" exposure my camera was telling me. Just perusal preference on this really, just me wanting a brighter look.

As it was, I got really lucky with composition. The frame pretty much got divided into three layers. The shadows dark grass foreground, the dirt wall with Drew, then a layer of grass and the trees. It really leads your eye where the rider is. I just love it. It probably won't win an award, but whateverrrr.

For editing, I cropped it down a bit to turn it into a longer, skinny aspect ratio. Going along with the layers theme. Then I converted to b/w, upped the clarity, and whites. Just that. More pop with the clarity.

See you tomorrow!

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