Tonight, I remembered that I had a ton of glow sticks lying around that needed to be used. So Victor and I went out to the west side to do some pictures!
The idea was to have a biker riding on a rainbow road thing made from the light trails of the glow sticks. Unfortunately, only glow sticks bright enough to show up were the green and blue ones. It looks kinda cool, but not really what we were going for sadly.
After the rainbow road didn't work so well, we just decided to do the good old glow stick in the spokes idea. We taped 15 glow sticks to my spokes, and then just did a couple passes. I had to go pretty slow to make sure enough light was getting to the camera.
The next exposure was to get a light trail for the head lamp I had on. Just a simple pass did the trick.
The most complicated part was to get the still image of me riding. We did this using two flashlights and two strobes. One strobe was down in the front right and lit the front of me, and one was in the back left to backlight and light up the glow sticks. We pretty much just did test shots to dial in the power. The flashlights served to add a bit of motion blur to the wheels and such to give a sense of motion.
I was shooting on bulb at f2.8 and ISO800, and using a remote shutter release.
And really Victor was taking all the pictures, so it was a group effort! Couldn't have done it without him, thanks Victor!
For editing, it was superrrrr simple. I simple chose the layers I wanted, set them to lighten, and then used layer masks to pick out the parts I wanted from each layer. Then in Lr I added blue to the shadows, green to the highlights, raised the black point and the highlights. Also did a big crop and added a Black Diamond log because that's the head lamp I was using. Could make a cool poster or something.
See you tomorrow!
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