Sunday, June 8, 2014

Even More Yum Yums!

Took some more food pictures for my sister tonight. They were these awesome flourless muffin cupcake things. But they tasted like regular deliciousness. Check out Emma's Baking Addition (blog) for the recipe and what not. She'll have a post up in a couple of days I bet.

I was rushed when shooting this, so I used the same set up as I have for the last food photo. I guess if it works, don't fix it! I'll try something new next time maybe.

Basically, I had two  strobes set up. One in the back left and one in front right. Both were aimed up to make the little mat studio box thing into one giant light box. The strobes also created hot spots, so instead of light everywhere, there was direction to it and created some cool effects. I like the look of the white on the dark food, it creates a nice contrast.

I believe I had the strobe in the back at 1/16 and the strobe in the front the same. I was shooting at f6.3 and ISO400, so I had plenty of light collectingness and didn't need much power. I probably could have even upped the aperture a lot and just used a higher power to get more depth of field. But for the shot I wanted, the shallower depth was what I wanted.

As far as editing, I didn't do much at all. Upped the shadows a touch and dropped the blacks. Love when the photos just don't need much.

The composition of this photo was something I actually didn't think about while shooting. I was rushing and just trusted my experience would make something cool. I really like how it turned out. The off angle nature make the angles stand out and contrast with the roundness of the foods. The focus takes it a step further by highlighting just one of the foods. Even the light is brighter on the food in the foreground. The amount of food items even works. Four in the background (which by itself is a unsightly number) and then one in the foreground makes five. Which is a good number to look at!

See you tomorrow!

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