So there's this epic stream in the forest. It's pretty much the coolest thing I've ever seen. Starts with this mini waterfall between two cedars (with pools in the roots a foot deep), then winds its way down the gully between and under logs, roots, and more trees. There's ferns everywhere and giant skunk cabbage. There was one tree we used to cross the stream that I actually slid down like a slide. We explored up the steam just with head lamps and flashlights, which just made everything even more epic. I think it's one place I'll be visiting frequently this summer.
Originally, we'd planned to do more fire painting, but it was a little to dry out so we scrapped that idea and just did regular light painting.
Victor and I both had powerful flashlights, and so pretty much just ran around with different gels to get cool lighting effects. I composited everything later in Ps with simple layer masks and one warming filter. It took us a while to light paint, but it was just so epic out there we didn't want to stop.
I've talked a lot of light painting and compositing lately, and tonight was no different from the last couple ones I've posted. Just shoot on bulb, shine a light around and see how it looks. It's really a trial and error process, but you can get some awesome results. When compositing, I just used layer masks to put everything together. Big soft bush and a low opacity and just paint stuff in until it looks good.
See you tomorrow!
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