Any who! I was cleaning a boat today for a friend with Victor, and he spotted this sweet boat on the boat. It had this amazing wood deck that was just this giant V shaped thing. Photography is basically the manipulation of geometry in a lot of ways, and some of the strongest pictures in history are based on geometry. There for, this boat looked freaking sweet and needed picture taking.
I used up the rest of my phone's batteries taking and editing pictures of it. hehe
I'm a big fan of almost symmetry, or asymmetry in photographs. My gate project for MSU was partly based on that; making and image that appeared symmetrical but was really not once you looked at it. It's true in the natural world, and even though part of art is to create what does not exist, I find it an interesting concept to explore in photography.
Boat's are pretty symmetrical for stability, and so I shot straight down the bow and centered the mast. This made the really cool V shape that made the picture so cool. Other than that, I just tried to include as many diagonal lines from the rigging and railings that I could.
In editing, I raised the shadows, ambience, and contrast first. I also converted it to black and white. Removing color helps to exemplify the shapes and geometry of a photo, which is was this image was all about. It was a pretty simple photo to edit, I just toyed around with the settings in Snapseed until I got something I liked.
That's what's awesome about editing, you can just play around and make the image look so different.
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