Saturday, January 11, 2014

Shoes and a Thermos

So I missed yesterday. Bummer. Double post today.

Lately I've been liking to do product shot, I guess would be what you call it. It is challenging to light something in a way that makes it appealing. I don't have the studio or equipment to do it properly, but I do the best I can with the lounge next to my room.

The first photo today is of my climbing shoes. I wanted to bring out the details of the materials used to make the shoes, so this meant harder light to bring out textures. There is a bare 560 just to the left of the shoes pointed up and slightly towards the wall you see on the left. This bounced the light off the ceiling and the wall to have more wrap around the shoes. However, it isn't that soft because the wall and ceiling are not that big. You can still see some very defined shadows and highlights. Especially on the shoe in the background. The second 560 was set up in a soft box on camera right. This is the key light for the foreground shoe and the fill light for the background shoe. You can see the hard shadow this light makes and also where the other 560 starts to take over as a till and then a key light. Both lights make cool hot spots on the walls behind. I believe the bare 560 was at 1/1 and the other at 1/16.

The camera settings are: 1/250, f5.6, ISO100. 50mm lens on a 7D.

The thing I would change about the lighting is to warm up the 560 in the soft box with a gel. You can see how the 560 bouncing get a warm tone from the walls, where the other 560 is pure white and looks a bit off.

In Lr I raised the clarity on the shoes to bring out more texture as well as brighten the shadows a bit. On the background I also raised the clarity around the walls and hot spots to add some pop. The ground right in front of the shoe I darkened because it was kind of distracting.


Back to the thermos, the dreaded thermos. The reflections on this thing are just so intense I can't even deal. It's quite a challenge to get that right. This time I had a different approach. 

The mat board is now the set for this, backed up against a while wall. One 560 with a soft box is off to the left at maybe 1/8 power. This was to make a little kicker highlight in the side of the thermos as well as make sure the ground was bright and white. The main light for this was my 56" reflector with the reflector part taken off. It turns into a big diffuser that I shot a 560 through. This turned the 2" area of the 560 into about a 4' circle. The area of light is much bigger so you don't get as hard highlights and more all around illumination on the thermos. I had to aim everything perfectly so the highlight would be right over the logo so you could read it. 

No much was done to this in post. Messed with the logo a bit to make it most consistent as far a lettering luminosity goes, made a white vignette around everything to draw attention in, and darkened the little bottom section of the thermos because it was reflecting the white mat board and turning pink. 

Camera setting were the same as the photo of the shoe. 

I think that's about it for today, see you tomorrow. 

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