It'll be a short post today cause I'm tired and getting sick.
Things turned out pretty great today. (as far as the photo goes) I'll skip the intro and get right into it.
Sunglasses are hard to photo graph because of their reflective nature. It's easy to get yourself in the photo by accident for instance. At first I was having trouble with this and also how to light it. Hard light wasn't working at all. I decided I'd get the composition right then worry about lighting. I settled on this angle, slightly up and turned. Enough to get depth but not enough that you'd lose the lens in a profile shot.
Lighting came next. I have a 560 in a soft box literally 3 inches above the glasses. It's just out of frame. This creates realllllllly soft and wrapping light. No hard shadows and no glare on the lens. For the back ground, I had a 560 just off to the right at high power pointed at the wall behind the glasses. You probably don't see it, but this was shot on a piece of mat board wedged up against a white wall. The light created by the strobe overpowers the shadow that usually can be seen between the mat board and the wall.
Camera settings are: 1/125th, f22 (for depth of field), and ISO 100. The 560 in the soft box is set to around 1/8 and the other 560 to 1/4.
I also had a 5x macro filter on to let me focus closer on the glasses. I used my 50mm lens.
In Lr I did some spot adjustments. Darkened the frame a bit and softened the top of the frame above the lens. I didn't want one area to have a particular affinity for attention.
So that's about it. Off to bed for me, leave a comment if you have a question as I was pretty brief. See you tomorrow.
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