If you didn't know, there was a partial solar eclipse today from about 3-5 MST. I only found out about it maybe an hour before hand, and sadly I had class the whole time it was going. So then, how did I manage to shoot the eclipse? :)
Skip a few steps, and I'm in my backyard, eating a banana, and waiting until the clouds clear a bit to shoot the sun. Or rather the part of the sun I can see. I figured that it would be best to shoot through some trees, just to give some texture and dimension to the image. I would rather shoot it at sunset with a really long lens just as it's dipping below the horizon...but I don't have a really long lens and the eclipse is two hours off.
So I made do.
The exposure for this one is a little tricky. Stop down all the way, shoot at the lowest ISO, and use the fastest shutter speed. The sun is $@^&* bright....
Not really much to say on that...if the sun is behind some clouds, that can help darken it a bit. Preferably, you'd use a solar filter and probably an ND filter or two. But I don't have those for my telephoto lens. Maybe next time.
For the composition, I couldn't really look through the view finder very well (it's still really really really bright) so I roughly lined up and used a shot gun approach. Shoot a ton of photos while moving around a little bit to get slightly different compositions, and one will turn out. I think you can get really cool photos like that. Also, you could use the depth of field preview button, which stops to the aperture you want to preview what it will look like. In this case, I'd be at f45, so it'd probably make it dark enough to look through. Maybe. But being me I didn't think of this until 5 seconds ago so I didn't use it today. Oh well.
Editing...editing, editing. Step one, convert to b/w. There's no color anyway, you're shooting the sky and are too stopped down to get anything other than white light from the sun. Step 2: up the mid tone contrast a bit to get more details in there. It can get a little washed from the MASSIVE lens flares going on. Finally, crop a bit to you liking. I put the sun in the upper right, as there's a cool branch that goes along the middle.
See you tomorrow!
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