There's long exposures from a stable platform like a tripod, and then there's long exposures from handheld. The objective of hand holding long exposures is to have a lot of blur. Purposely creating blur is the name of the game, for the sake of creating something completely different than what you can get from stable shooting.
My favorite approach to unstable shooting is to just go crazy with the camera. Shake it around when the shutter is open, and you get a ton of crazy light trails. As long as you are looking at bright lights.
That's pretty much what I did tonight. Set the aperture to f9 and then put it to blub. Really just had fun messing around with the camera. Found some cool looking spot lights on the rides, and just messed around until I got something I liked. There's not much to it.
For editing, I upped the clarity a bit as well as the vibrance, but that's really it. It's mostly straight out of the camera.
Couple other photos from tonight.
See you tomorrow!
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