Sunday, March 30, 2014

Koko Rock

I have this little rock thing, and it was perfect for a light painting.

or rather multiple light paintings I would then stitch together in photoshop.

I set up the rock thing in my closet, hanging from two things of fishing line. Three would have been better, but I didn't have three points to attach to. Two at least kept it from swinging too much.

I put my camera on bulb, and used an aperture of f32 to really block out the light. I used my iPhone, bare and sometimes gelled with an orange gel to light the rock.

In hindsight, the rock is a little blurry because of motion blur, so it would have been nice to make a shorter exposure of figure out how to keep it still more.

I took four exposures. Two of light trails behind the rock, just playing around with the light. One of the rock which I painted with light from two sides, cross lighting it effectively. And one of the back ground, which I made by shining the light down from above.

I took the images into Ps, and masked out the rock from my cross lit exposure, and put it below the two light trail exposures. I made the light trail exposures to blend mode "lighten" and then applied the same mask I had just made for the rock. I inverted this mask, and so everything around the rock was visible and not the rock. This way, I had the light trails and the rock blended into one. The background layer was simply put under the other layers.

To get rid of the fishing line in every single shot, I went into every layer and removed it with a combination of the stamp tool and heal brush thingy tool. Ps took care of it for the most part.

Back in Lr, I applied some split toning, green and orange for the highlights and shadows respectively. I also raised the clarity a bit, as well as saturation and vibrance.

Then I exported it and posted it below.

See you tomorrow!

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